Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Form 1 Chapter 3 >>> Matter

In this chapter, the most important thing is you should know what is 'matter' .
3.1   What is matter
  • Everything, whether living or non-living things, which has mass and occupied space is called matter.

3.2   The States of Matter
3.2.1   Kinetic Theory of Matter
  • According to kinetic theory of matter, matter is made up of tiny particles which are discrete (seperate)
  • These particles can be composed of atoms or molecules
  • Atom is the smallest particle of matter and cannot be further divided. Molecule is made up of two or more atom.
3.2.2   Arrangement of Particles in Matter  (Solid, Liquid, Gas)
  • Solids consist of particles that are arranged close together and in a regular pattern. The particles are not free to move and can only vibrate about their fixed positions. A solid has definite volume and shape.
  • Liquids consist of particles that are arranged fairly close together but not in a regular pattern. The particles can move freely (flow) and vibrate. A liquid has definite volume, but its shape change depending of its shape of container.
  • Gases consist of particles that are far apart and not in a regular pattern. The particles are free to move in all directions. A gas has neither a definite volume or shape.

For more information, try to click at this link : Arrangement of Particles in Matter .

3.3   The Concept of Density
  • The density of an object is the mass per unit volume of the object. The SI unit is kg/m^3.
  • An object that is less dense will float on a liquid that is denser. An object which is denser will sink in a liquid that is less dense.

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